Example #1: $200,000 Raise

Project Y is looking to have a presale, the total supply for Project Y is 10,000,000,000 (ten billion). A negotiated 10% of the total supply has been allocated for Presale on the WeeWee Pad platform, meaning WeeWee has 1,000,000,000 Project Y tokens ($PROY) able to be purchased during the sale.

Project Y wants to raise a maximum of $200,000 in presale funding.

Token Allocations per Tier: Total tokens assigned to a tier grouping

  • Tier 1: 21% = 210,000,000 $PROY

  • Tier 2: 30% = 300,000,000 $PROY

  • Tier 3: 25% = 250,000,000 $PROY

  • Tier 4: 13% = 130,000,000 $PROY

  • Tier 5: 7% = 70,000,000 $PROY

  • Tier 6: 4% = 40,000,000 $PROY

Contribution Levels per Tier: The amount of the raise assigned/expected per tier.

  • Tier 1: 21% = $42,000

  • Tier 2: 30% = $60,000

  • Tier 3: 25% = $50,000

  • Tier 4: 13% = $26,000

  • Tier 5: 7% = $14,000

  • Tier 6: 4% = $8,000

Snapshot Results: Assuming the amount of eligible stakers per tier by the time Snapshot for Project Y is:

  • Tier 1: 10 users

  • Tier 2: 38 users

  • Tier 3: 86 users

  • Tier 4: 191 users

  • Tier 5: 363 users

  • Tier 6: 742 users

Maximum Contribution per User:

  • Tier 1: $42,000 ÷ 10 users = $4,200

  • Tier 2: $60,000 ÷ 38 users = $1,578.94

  • Tier 3: $50,000 ÷ 86 users = $581.39

  • Tier 4: $26,000 ÷ 191 users = $136.12

  • Tier 5: $14,000 ÷ 363 users = $38.57

  • Tier 6: $8,000 ÷ 742 users = $10.78

Maximum Token Distribution per User:

  • Tier 1: 210,000,000 ÷ 10 users = 21,000,000 $PROY

  • Tier 2: 300,000,000 ÷ 38 users = 7,894,736.84 $PROY

  • Tier 3: 250,000,000 ÷ 86 users = 2,906,976.74 $PROY

  • Tier 4: 130,000,000 ÷ 191 users = 680,628.48 $PROY

  • Tier 5: 70,000,000 ÷ 363 users = 192,845.66 $PROY

  • Tier 6: 40,000,000 ÷ 742 users = 53,917.53 $PROY

All of the needed aspects of the example presale above have been solved and hard figures would then be available to present to the public to promote the final contribution and allocation amounts per tier.

Example #2: $75,000 Raise

Project Z is looking to have a presale. The total supply for Project Z is 1,000,000,000 (one billion). A negotiated 15% of the total supply has been allocated for Presale on the WeeWee Pad platform, meaning WeeWee has 150,000,000 Project Z tokens ($PROZ) able to be purchased during the sale.

Project Z wants to raise a maximum of $75,000 in presale funding.

Token Allocations per Tier: Total tokens assigned to a tier grouping

  • Tier 1: 21% = 31,500,000 $PROZ

  • Tier 2: 30% = 45,000,000 $PROZ

  • Tier 3: 25% = 37,500,000 $PROZ

  • Tier 4: 13% = 19,500,000 $PROZ

  • Tier 5: 7% = 10,500,000 $PROZ

  • Tier 6: 4% = 6,000,000 $PROZ

Contribution Levels per Tier: The amount of the raise assigned/expected per tier.

  • Tier 1: 21% = $15,750

  • Tier 2: 30% = $22,500

  • Tier 3: 25% = $18,750

  • Tier 4: 13% = $9,750

  • Tier 5: 7% = $5,250

  • Tier 6: 4% = $3,000

Snapshot Results: Assuming the amount of eligible stakers per tier by the time Snapshot for Project Z is:

  • Tier 1: 8 users

  • Tier 2: 39 users

  • Tier 3: 78 users

  • Tier 4: 172 users

  • Tier 5: 284 users

  • Tier 6: 490 users

Maximum Contribution per User:

  • Tier 1: $15,750 ÷ 8 users = $1,968.75

  • Tier 2: $22,500 ÷ 39 users = $576.92

  • Tier 3: $18,750 ÷ 78 users = $240.38

  • Tier 4: $9,750 ÷ 172 users = $56.69

  • Tier 5: $5,250 ÷ 284 users = $18.49

  • Tier 6: $3,000 ÷ 490 users = $6.12

Maximum Token Distribution per User:

  • Tier 1: 31,500,000 ÷ 8 users = 3,937,500 $PROZ

  • Tier 2: 45,000,000 ÷ 39 users = 1,153,846.15 $PROZ

  • Tier 3: 37,500,000 ÷ 78 users = 480,769.23 $PROZ

  • Tier 4: 19,500,000 ÷ 172 users = 113,372.09 $PROZ

  • Tier 5: 10,500,000 ÷ 284 users = 36,971.83 $PROZ

  • Tier 6: 6,000,000 ÷ 490 users = 12,244.90 $PROZ

All of the needed aspects of the example presale above have been solved, and hard figures would then be available to present to the public to promote the final contribution and allocation amounts per tier.

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